Crawling Cats- meow!
Crawling is a huge milestone in every baby's life. How exciting was it when your squishy baby is on the move! Before you know it, your child masters crawling and moves onto toddling, walking…and running!
So it’s easy to forget all about crawling once they are off and racing around the room.
But did you know, crawling is a really useful skill to keep practicing long after children have learned to walk?
Crawling is a movement that uses your whole body; your hands, knees, legs, shoulders and back, and tummy. It’s great cardio- try crawling after your kids in a chasing game and see how quick you get puffed!
Crawling on hands and knees build the abdominal muscles, helping us have a strong core. Ballerinas need super strong cores and we often talk about having ‘tight tummies’ in class before we practice our balancing!
The crawling movement is one of the best exercises to encourage our child’s natural coordination, and to prepare them for coordinating their arms and legs in technique exercises in ballet class. It helps balance the body, working with opposite hand and knees together.
Using imagery, games and ‘stories’ makes crawling a fun activity in class. This week, we were Kitty Cats crawling around looking for some dinner! Check out some photos below:

Rolleston Junior Ballet (Wednesday 10.40am) - Look out, here come the Cats!

Hoon Hay Senior Ballet (Saturday 11.30am) Meow!

Halswell Primary Ballet (Monday 4.05pm class) We found some cat biscuits for our dinner!

Halswell Primary Ballet (Wednesday 4.30pm class) 5 Little Kittens!